Black Friend Get Out Get Out Funny Moments

Hall Pass (2011) Poster

1 /10


Warning: Spoilers

Simply dreadful 2011 film with Owen Wilson and his pal given a hall pass by their wives. This simply means that for one week, they can act as single guys and cavort with whomever they choose to do so.

The movie then goes into their various experiences during the week. The wives also go into hall pass mode so that both the men and women are cheating on one another.

The situations are ridiculous just like the film. There is a chase by the police, a guy jumping all over their car with a gun whose mother, played by Joy Behar, is the one delight of the film.

After seeing this wreck, they would have been better off if they never returned from their honeymoon.

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8 /10

i really don't understand why so many bad reviews

I really don't understand why so many bad reviews, infact i found this movie not so bad, even a nice one funny and entertaining. of course is a light movie and nothing so special, but if you want a light comedy with several funny scenes and laughs that could be ok.

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7 /10

Hilarious closing credits.

Warning: Spoilers

Now we have a quite original movie here. Funny movie and very realistic about a couple of men who are married, and their wives invent a hall pass so their men can do whatever they want for a week. For a week they are not married.

Without realizing that this is a both way street, two men are starting their week. But everything is different; they are much older than when they were at school. It is not easy to just meet a woman and take her to a motel. For women it is much easier to approach a guy.

Owen Wilson is after a woman from the coffee shop. This Nicky Whelan is a very beautiful woman. When she was on screen I did not read the subtitles. Her beauty made her accent less annoying. And yes, Owen Wilson could resist her, even when she showed him her boobs. Yeah right. That was not realistic. The funny moments were with his friend, Jason Sudeikis. This guy came from the one funny scene into the other.

I must say, hall pass is not just as funny as Dumb and dumber, but it is a funny movie. The most funny scene is at the closing credits where Stephen Merchant dreams about having a hall pass. I laughed my ass off! That was hilarious! When the makers of this movie would have made a whole movie just like this scene, they would have made the best funny movie ever. Too bad that it was only one scene. But I haven't laughed like this in a long time, thank you guys, thank you Stephen Merchant.

Positive points: Great acting,original story, Nicky Whelan, closing credits scene, funny, entertaining. Negative points: Slow start, movie was not funny all the time due to the realistic aspects in the movie of the married situation. It slowed the movie down. Dumb and dumber was all the way funny, because nothing about that movie was real.

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7 /10


This movie was about two married guys who get a "hall pass" from their marriages, granted from their wives. One of them is given to him voluntarily, the other one pretty much forces it out of her. They pretty much have a week to do "as they please" with other women as one of the wives has had enough with his "noticing" other women.

While the idea is clever and decently executed, and there were some funny scenes and I liked the "Law & Order" spoof parts, I felt like the raunchy humor and "potty mouthed" jokes damaged it. While that could have helped in other films, it didn't really help here.

The cast (especially the leads) was decent and worked well together. You might like this if you are a comedy fan.

** out of ****

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7 /10

Delightful to Some Extent

Warning: Spoilers

Comedies can be very unpredictable at times. It can manipulate you into a corner where they make out as if it's a great movie. Only to find out it was really dumb. Other times they'll com you into assuming it's repugnant and morally reprehensible only to find out in the end it's subliminally complex. "Hall Pass" falls in the latter category. The story is about as simple as screwing on a light bulb. Two middle-aged husbands (Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis) are granted "hall passes" from their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) which mean they are permitted one week freedom from parenthood. The predictable hoopla comes into place including those annoying catcalls to attractive women; morally deplorable juvenile gags, disgusting jokes around the male anatomy; lots of tiresome boozing and alcoholic binges and the overdone finale where our protagonist begs for redemption and usually has to make compromises in which they gladly oblige.

But in a mysterious way, "Hall Pass" succeeds in offering something original behind the formulaic proceedings. Because not only do the guys get a week of parental liberty, so do their wives, which is a surprising turn of events that develops in this movie. Sure it's not a ground-breaking Oscar caliber movie, but it's still something that the Farrelly Brothers can be proud of as it's one of their best movie since "Wedding Crashers" which also starred Wilson and Vince Vaughn. It's not or ever will revolutionize the buddy film spectrum as the repetitive scenarios are all there. However, this film exceeds it's expectations from the comedy genre that most films of it's kind tends to fall flat.

For one thing, the casting was very top notch. Owen Wilson's comical chops is in top form, as he soars through every scene he's in and never falls flat. Jason Sudeikis has his share of moments, although his character was at times hit or miss due to poor script work from his character. The wives roles add inspiration towards their performances as comedic legends Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate was a joy to watch and even as emotional traits that are often missing from female characters in comedy movies. Sure Applegate has played several roles like this before, but she shows here she can turn up the volume and show her dramatic side as well. What really sets this film is how it makes a serious undertaking of the trials and tribulations of being middle-aged. These characters aren't young punks placing their cajones in a hot dessert, no these people are career-oriented individuals, people who have matured physically and mentally, dads who have been through it all and who have seen it all. Sure it is not perfect, and the flaws are very obvious, but the moments delivered here will surely surprise you in which I will drink to that.

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1 /10

Highly Disappointing

Rick (Wilson) and Fred (Sudeikis) are given Hall Passes by their wives for one week to do whatever they want with whoever they want. Their thinking is that this will get their husbands to appreciate them more. Is this a good idea?

When I was in High School, a Hall Pass did not mean I could do whatever I wanted for a day or a week. It just allowed me to go from one classroom to another place within a very short period of time. But, this kind of Hall Pass is different.

This has a lot of crude, rude and out-of-place sexual humor. Nothing in here is funny. Nothing. There is male frontal nudity, female nudity and a masturbation scene by Fred. Is this what so-called comedies are coming to these days? Seems so. It's bad enough that these so-called comedies are never funny, but now we dip into almost x-rated dialogue and scenes. There is a place for things of this nature, but in a comedy? I need to find my home planet and go there. This is becoming way too much for me.

A lot of funny stuff is funny by implication, but in here, it's all spelled out for you, spoken, and shown. If you do see this, ask yourself: would you watch it again with your parents, children, grandparents? I think not.

Violence: Yes. Sex: Yes. Nudity: Yes, male and female. Language: Yes.

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8 /10

Criminally Underrated!

Hall Pass is definitely a sweet and raucous film that is vastly underrated. I almost skipped this movie because of the bad things I was hearing about it. But because it has Owen Wilson starring and that talented Farrelly Brothers at the helm, I decided to give this film a shot. There are better R-rated comedies out there, but this still is a respectable one with lots of funny and dramatic moments.

This film is about two friends who are given hall passes from their wives. That pretty much means they can do whatever they want as they get a week off from their marriages. But will they be doing the right thing?.....

Owen Wilson always gives off a certain charm no matter what movie he is in. He played more of the straight-laced guy here but he still was good. I think Jason Sudekis will be a big comedy star because he had some really funny moments.

Overall, Hall Pass is another good entry in the R-rated comedy category of which 2011 was famous for. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from beginning to end. There are a few stretches that are meant to be funny but really are not. But, most comedies are like that. I rate this film 8/10.

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7 /10

Right movie right time for me

This did make me laugh, one of those right movie at the right time scenarios because it really is pretty dumb. Lots of gross out raunchy humour thanks to the Farrelly brothers.

The plot is nothing remarkable, predictable even but honestly that's not what I'm watching a movie like this for; following two best buds (Owen Wilson & Jason Sudeikis) who are granted permission to take a week off of marriage, only to realize that the reality of single life is not as appealing as they remember after bumbling in their efforts to "charm" women.

A couple of scenes that I really laughed at were the girl "sneezing" into the bathtub and the gym-hot-tub-penis scene. Too funny. Yeah its a "naughty marriage comedy" that I'll probably watch again. 09.13

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1 /10

Yet Another Putrid "Comedy"

Warning: Spoilers

I must sound like a broken record, but once again this horrid film proves that Hollywood simply cannot make a decent comedy anymore. This one has the same things they all do now- tons of juvenile potty humor, gratuitous male nudity (and in a rarity, a brief topless female), and a predictable, disastrous message. The male nudity, by the way, includes a close up view of a male's penis.

As usual, the males in the film are made out to be the bad guys. Two hapless husbands, who are guilty of nothing more than ogling women here and there, are granted a "hall pass" by their wives. This idea comes from their friend, played by the odious Joy Behar, who is no actress and can barely recite her lines. The men are told that for one week, they can do whatever they want, and pretend they aren't married, while the wives take the kids out of town.

In an utterly foreseen twist, the guys turn out to not even be capable of talking to girls, let alone sleeping with them, while their wives are partying up a storm with hot younger athletes. Meanwhile, we are treated to a running gag that could have been penned by most third graders, of the guys' fat friend constantly uttering "I have to poo." In a truly artistic scene, we are treated to this man's fat bare bottom taking a dump in a sand trap on a golf course. Talk about hilarious!

Owen Wilson eventually turns down the hot 21 year old who had been his children's babysitter, her hot 40 something aunt, and the gorgeous blonde Australian chick who had been the object of his fantasies. He doesn't even get to kiss any of them. His hapless friend is similarly unlucky. Meanwhile, Christina Appelegate, as the other husband's wife, does sleep with a younger guy. Afterwards, she says "this can't happen again- I love my husband."

This is the message that has been coming out of Hollywood for some time now- a wife can have an extramarital affair, but the husband cannot, or at least if he does, the marriage is over. We saw this even in Family Guy, when Lois slept with Bill Clinton, but Peter inexplicably backed out of sleeping with his date, so the writers solved that by having Peter sleep with Bill Clinton, too. Ugh.

When the hapless other husband reunites with Christina Applegate, he gets down on his knees and apologizes. "For what?" the audience might ask. He didn't really do anything wrong. But his wife sure did. And does she admit this, or apologize herself? Nope. Guess again- she accepts his ridiculous apology with a canary-that-ate-the-kitten smile. Nice message there for everyone.

This movie was not as awful as the Judd Apatow stuff, or quite as unfunny as most of Adam Sandler's and Will Ferrell's "gems," but it is still thoroughly offensive.

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1 /10

Typical Farrelly fare.

Warning: Spoilers

I can't believe these brothers are wealthy purely based on toilet humor and breasts (possessed by girls who look like models while the male leads look like old men) - yeah realistic...NOT! This movie was once again aimed at men who don't need a realistic plot. Just cheap laughs, stick material and an excuse to use next time they want to stray...

"Yeah Honey, I need a Hall Pass for a week. It's the done thing nowadays, a movie said so". Then at the end the guys are made out to be loving husbands while one wife is made out to be a slut - after her husband was (as he said) kissing another woman's genitals and in the middle of masturbating her when told his wife was in a car accident. Yeah the only reason he stopped is because his friend turned up to tell him his wife was in an accident- yet men are still on here calling his wife a slut (that's rich).

You better believe men will think it's OK to use words such as "faux job" etc and giggle like girls and ask for hall passes because once again the Farrelly brothers have told them they can get a hot Australian girl - just because they looked at her in a creepy way and got a "Week off".

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8 /10

Why all the haters?

I don't understand all the haters on here about this movie? I thought it was funny and laughed all the way through, and so did my wife. It is a lot funnier than Little Fockers was, and that is not saying much. It is a great movie to go and watch and just sit back and laugh and forget your troubles. What is wrong with some crude humor? I guess since I am in my 40s, and have friends that talk and act like the ones in the movie, it just was funnier to me...who knows....

I guess to each their own......

For me, I wish they would put out more funny movies like this. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time....

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8 /10

Might be passed up with hefty comedy competition in 2011

It's been four years since The Farrelly Brothers' forgettable remake of The Heartbreak Kid had it's brief run in the theaters, now we have a much funnier film called Hall Pass about Rick (Wilson) and Fred (Sudeikis) who are given a week off from marriage from their wives Maggie (Fischer) and Grace (Applegate). The week is anticipated to be one of the best weeks of their lives, but ends up being a slow and dull weekend of failed attempts to meet women.

The Farrelly Brothers, I assume, are trying to make a point that when women separate from their men they have a lot of fun socializing, and having a rule-free week. When men separate from their wives their afraid to make the slightest commitment with a girl because of their wives' reaction. Even though they say "rule-free" we can pretty much all assume "rule-free within their guidelines." Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis have a very humorous chemistry on screen, and Christina Applegate is not only beautiful, but a pleasure to have assisting the leads as well. Knowing The Farrelly's you are sure to have a lot of gross out humor in this movie, and boy you do! Some hit hard, but some fall flat.

My favorite character in this whole film is Larry Joe Campbell who plays Hog Head. He is without a doubt hysterical as he plays the dopey fat guy who gets into trouble along with the guys on their week off. He reminds me of my own father, and every scene he was in I found myself laughing. Too bad he didn't replace Sudeikis in the film so I could laugh more and give this film a higher rating, but oh well.

The big problem with this film is not that not all the jokes are funny, that the drama element at the ends sort of ruins the outrageous comedy film the movie had going, but the fact that it's February and a movie like this is coming out. It's a strange complaint, but it must be stated, comedies like this are meant for the summer season or the fall season so that it has a bigger chance of making the top list of favorite comedies on critic's lists.

This year especially with huge competition with The Hangover Part II being released. Hall Pass should've benefited itself by waiting till around August to be released. With it being released so early in the year it will likely suffer treatment like Book of Eli and Fired Up with being released so early they are questioned by people in later months.

Hall Pass hits us with some very strong laughs, but ultimately it still doesn't blow us away. I would've liked more of the guys, less of the wives, and more of Larry Joe Campbell. You can't always get what you want, but in Hall Pass it delivers most of what you would want in an outrageous comedy.

Starring: Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis, Jenna Fischer, Christina Applegate, and LArry Joe Campbell. Directed by: Bobby and Peter Farrelly.

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1 /10

The premise is immature an annoying (left-wing nonsense)

If these guys are so desperate for sex, and if their wives are morons who don't care who they sleep with, why not just go and find some prostitutes to sleep with? They don't even have a enough time to develop a relationship. I am so glad to see that the sense of commitment to marriage is alive and well in Hollywood. Apparently, the point of the movie is to show that people don't really want to be married. Casual sexual or childish teenage infatuation are more compelling than a committed marriage where the wife and husband have remained faithful to each other. If a husband is so immature that he goes around like a teenager dreaming about sleeping with younger women, then he should never have gotten married in the first place. He is a fool who has no clue what marriage is about.

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6 /10

unlikeable subject matter, but salvaged a little something

The Farrelly brothers are once again stuck on something uncomfortable. Are they really saying that a pass to cheat is something to root for? The fact is the subject isn't that fun to watch. The whole concept is truly unlikeable but they were able to salvage a few laughs out of the whole thing.

Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis are extremely likable actors. They were able to take some of ickyness out of the cheating. But the way they go about their adventures really diminishes their marriages. It doesn't help that their wives are cheating with other people.

The Farrelly brothers really need to drop all these uncomfortable themes. It's as if they are trying for highest degree of difficulty. Either that or make these much more darker. Make it truly a black comedy.

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9 /10

Love this silly movie

So many of the scenes are awesome and fun to watch! I wish I could work with the Farrelly brothers, they make lovable movies plus I have autism so I appreciate a lot of the characters in they're films. I love the dirtiness throughout. So much brightness and delightful fun I appreciate cinema so much! The CSI theme is so epic too.

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8 /10

Go Get Your "Hall Pass"

Have you ever wondered what happened to the crew of guys from the first "American Pie" movie? After they lost "it" I often wonder what happened after they got married and had kids and moved out to the suburbs. What happened 20 years later when they were no longer the "Big Men on Campus"?

Thanks to the new release by the Farrelly brothers (Bobby and Peter who also brought us "Dumb and Dumber" and "Kingpin") we are now able to see the rest of the story. "Hall Pass" is by no means a sequel in the "American Pie" series but both films did remind me of how most men are wired for sexual conquests from puberty onward.

"Hall Pass" captured America's well known character - the middle age suburbanite male and gave him a hall pass. A hall pass is a weeklong excuse for married men to behave badly, drink to excess and sleep with whomever.

We start the movie with Rick (played by Owen Wilson) and Fred (played by Jason Sudeikis) attending an award banquet with their wives. They think they have the "scoping-chicks-out-in-secret" scheme down perfectly while their wives know what dogs they really have become over the years. It's not that Rick and Fred are totally miserable in their marriages but they think that they could be getting some serious action if they weren't tied down. Fred has even resorted to finding a way to relieve some of his sexual tensions in his car.

Their wives, Maggie (played by Jenna Fischer) and Grace (played by Christina Applegate), speak with a psychiatrist friend of theirs who gives them the idea of letting their husbands have a week off of their marriage so that they can carouse and let some of their male tendencies rule. At the end of the week they come back and have stronger marriages because of the freedom. Hey, I am sure it works in theory.

Once the guys are loose, they have some troubles getting back in the game. They are like two disoriented bulls in a china shop; they neither have any idea how they got there nor how to move around with any tact.

The week moves quickly with the guys bar hopping at family restaurants. They embark on a hilarious golf outing after eating some brownies laced with pot. By the third night they are called out on their manhood by their friends. Rick and Fred, like a lot of guys, talk a big game but have very little action to back up their smack talk.

While the boys are trying their hardest using tasteless pick-up lines and getting drunk to build their confidence, the wives are being themselves and living it up with a minor league baseball team in Cape Cod. As an indirect result to allowing the husbands go out, the wives are also permitted a hall pass. However, the wives aren't as shameless about their newfound freedom.

The movie moves on with many quotable one liners and quite a few shock moments. But, it wouldn't be a true Farrelly brothers' movie without one or two shock moments. Remember the hair gel scene in "There's Something About Mary?" The same goes with "Hall Pass," with a lot of big risks comes a lot of big rewards for the audience.

Should you see this movie? Yes. The actors played off of each with ease. Along with a well-written script, it all came together for several big laughs. However, if you are not comfortable with sexual references or outlandish sight gags, this might not be the film for you. If you are the type to laugh at "American Pie," "Superbad," "Step Brothers" or any other over the top comedy then this would definitely be a pick for you.

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10 /10

You WILL Laugh - Even after the Credits Roll.

Warning: Spoilers

"Hall Pass", the latest movie from the Farrelly brothers starring Owen Wilson (Rick) and Jason Sudeikis (Fred), is a raunchy comedy that serves up "distasteful" humor. The movie has an intended audience: People (male and female) who enjoy raunchy, racy, "dirty" comedy. If you laughed until you cried while watching "There's Something About Mary", then you will most likely appreciate this flick. If you thought "Dumb And Dumber" was just plain stupid, then you will probably not enjoy "Hall Pass".

The Premise: Two married, middle-aged men, Rick (Wilson) and Fred (Sudeikis) are in loving but sexually-unexciting marriages. They portray the typical horny male with sex on the brain who ogles women frequently.They believe their wandering eyes are clandestine, but unfortunately they are caught scoping chicks by their wives, played by Jenna Fischer (Maggie) and Christina Applegate (Grace). After the wives witness a few cringe-worthy scenes of male libido gone wild within their husbands, they are encouraged by their friend, a therapist, to allow the men a "week off" from marriage to cure their wanderlust.

The Execution: "Hall Pass" is not an Oscar-worthy movie - nor is it incredibly original. The stars do not deliver Shakespearean-level performances. What you get is exactly what the trailers promise: A desperately funny, sad, tragic and raunchy comedy that both entertains and enlightens. The opening scenes which set up the movie's premise are fresh and raucous - look for the scene involving the "Stepford" family and their safe-room video cameras. I actually learned a new lexicon which, I am sure, will become popular amongst my Facebook friends: "Big Mouth Vagina", "Fake Chow," and "Oversexed Bobble-head". Also, witness the quiet desperation of Wilson (Rick) and Sudeikis (Fred) as they ogle the coffee house barrista. The second act of the movie is pretty dirty - and quite laughable. I will not give anything away, here - not every joke in the movie is razor sharp or fresh, and some of it is a bit stale. However, you certainly get what you paid for - a few moments of diamond-hard nastiness so crude you might never have imagined it yourself.

Whether it was intentional or not, the movie succeeds and / or fails in the over-the-hill physical presentation of the couples. Wilson and Sudeikis looked slightly old and fat, while Fischer and Applegate looked slightly pale and fine-line wrinkly. I understand that the movie's premise revolves around middle-aged couples, but I did not really enjoy the stars' tired-looking appearance - why could they not have been portrayed as older-but-still-sexy? Applegate as Grace is really the only married character who looked like she still kept herself up. This, of course, is only a minor quibble - the directors obviously felt that a bit of paunch and wrinkle was necessary to make the characters more believable.

The third act of "Hall Pass" offers a satisfactory conclusion to this cautionary tale. Rick and Fred are able to rejoin Maggie and Grace after realizing that they did indeed already have everything they needed to enjoy happy unions with their spouses. Pay close attention, here: There are a few unpredictable, surprising moments which make the movie well-worth seeing and definitely elevate the film within its shock-humor genre. Is this a bit of a "Hollywood" ending? You bet it is - but in this age of common infidelity and skyrocketing divorce, I feel the conclusory message of the movie is quite poignant, and yes - uplifting. The characters each learn "hard" lessons which will hopefully strengthen their unions for years to come (pun intended).

Final Credits Scene Alert: Many people, after viewing the movie in the theater, will rise from their seats and hurry out to continue their lives as the credits begin to roll. STOP! Don't do it! One hilarious scene and one humorous out-take remains - much like the final scene in "The Hangover". Do yourself a favor and stay until the credits have COMPLETELY finished. This is becoming more and more common in movies - pivotal sequel clues and codas are now frequently left in the final credits. I don't mind this at all - for me, the movie is not finished until the credits have stopped rolling.

Final Recommendation: While some people may feel that the humor in "Hall Pass" is over the top, I must respectfully disagree. You go into a movie of this type with your eyes wide open, and the trailers all point to one thing - one heck of a "dirty" movie. There shouldn't be anyone who knows anything about the premise of this movie who feels cheated because you get exactly what you pay for: Hilariously concocted set-piece after set-piece of trashy, low-brow hi-jinx. With respect to execution of raunchy comedy, the Farrelly brothers deliver in high, grotesque style. Anyone seeing a movie at the theater can expect some level of predictability. The really good movies deliver unexpected surprises and plot twists that leave you talking for a few days. "Hall Pass", in my humble opinion, is that type of movie.

"Hall Pass" delivers a splendid menu of delicious depravity for the audience to digest. If you do not like this type of sexual comedy, then please wait for your friends to see it instead, and get the story second-hand from them - but I am sure that they will summarize the movie with knowing, private smiles on their faces and wicked gleams in their eyes.

Concept: 10 out of 10 Stars. Execution: 9 out of 10 Stars. Overall Rating: 10 out of 10 Stars.

  • Chipper F. Xavier, Esq.

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6 /10

Joy Behar...ew.

Some good laughs in this film...just not when Joy Behar cackles in it. It's definitely something you can watch with your significant other, probably not with your kids, in-laws or parents.

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Beware of the crude props.

In the world of movies, one of the most endearing genres is that of the goofy comedy - provided it's funny. Unfortunately, this movie does not quite measure up, although it does make an effort. The problem is the story itself. The premise is not funny. Neither are the characters. The two main characters are not funny at all. Their wives are not funny either. The directors even inject some explicit sexual material in an attempt to prop up the movie and it's embarrassing. When one considers the great comedy teams, their characters were fundamentally innocent. Their movies didn't need crude sexual props. Hence, when such props are introduced, that means the movie is in trouble and although the directors try to present an entertaining product, ultimately the final product is such that it generates a feeling of relief when it's finally over.

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9 /10

One of the funnier comedies for the last few years

The premise of a one week break from married life is the story for Hall Pass. The Brothers take a shot married life and succeed. There are many laugh out loud moments almost throughout the movie. It is really the Brothers best in a while. Put it after Something About Mary and Shallow Hal. There is a satisfying story always a moral. It's risqué without being crude even though there is some toilet humor. Also it's never painful to watch. Jokes are fresh and even though you can guess the outcome it's just really enjoyable to see how you get there. It's one of those comedies that is funny even if you watch it a second time because there are so many good lines.

With this cast you can't go wrong. Owen is always charmingly droll. He even has a middle aged spread to boot. His awkward dance and pickup moves are endearing. Sudekis is a bit common looking but he's good for the part. Applegate is spot on. She really needs to get more big screen comedic roles - she is so good and very pretty. Fisher is a bit laid back but suitable. There are some familiar Farrelly Bros supporting cast. Some new faces like the Aussie temptation and the babysitter are great too.

The visit The Shallow Hal like part in the bar with Richard Jenkins is hilarious. The visit to the new house of their friend is good to.

Worth watching - ignore the bad reviews.

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1 /10

Truly disgusting

The authors are apparently incapable of coming up with anything generally amusing, so they instead substitute a serious of gross out, shock scenes. The piece in the main is a female revenge fantasy - the male characters are depicted as stupid and insensitive enough to ask for a license to cheat, the women with complete unrealism grant it, and in turn the women are successful and the men are spectactularly unsuccessfully. Perhaps he Farelly slobs and their friends are like that, but even if so they shouldn't tar all men that way.

Unsatisfied with vicious sexism against men, they also have to include a scene in graphic detail that states black men have large penises and white men tiny ones, and thus extend to the worst kind of racism. Most likely the Farrelly slobs have a complex about their tiny penises, but that's no reason to inflict this on the public.

To summarize, a disgusting piece of sexism and racism. Unfortunately, since it is left-wing sexism against men and racism against white people, this filth gets to be a Hollywood produced and backed movie.

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1 /10

Mediocre vehicle for pushing porn

The film itself was passable entertainment from the Hollywood McDonalds style menu of mediocrity however the thing that absolute gob smacked me was the unnecessary and lets call a spade a spade, porn scenes although this film had 15 rating. The one particular scene that I never in my whole life would have thought I would see passed of as entertainment was the Jacuzzi scene. This is where two naked men black and white rush in to save Owen Wilson who'd fallen asleep in the tub. The gratuitous close up of the black fellers penis -which looked partially erect, made me feel saddened and sick that this stuff now gets past the censors without batting an eyelid.

I mean how can you watch this filth with your kids or parents . I have no doubt as witnessed by the Glenn Beck radio interview with Ben Shapiro

who is an author of a new book about the left liberal strangle hold on Hollywood and this film clearly shows that.

Let me elaborate: Ben Shapiro talks about the director of desperate housewives making same sex neighbours the norm. We have the same in England where the BBC is dominated by left, liberal self interest groups. I'm convinced that members of the production team or the director have an agenda to make pornography acceptable everywhere in our society. The Farrelly brothers should be absolutely ashamed of their contribution to the breakdown of the moral glue of our society. When lovingly shown shots of an half erect penis is passed of for 15 year old entertainment then you really feel we are entering the final age of Babylon.

Lawrence Jenkins London

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1 /10

Total rot.

Warning: Spoilers

This thing is just awful, pointless and dull. It doesn't even have the wit to crazy combo of the Hangover. The premise is insipid, the writers have obviously got no idea of how actual, adult relationships work. Nothing more than another in a long line of mass produced, dopey, incredulous 'comedy' produced for the lowest common denominator. if this is the future of what our comedies are, no thanks. Take my advice;skip this movie. Walk past it on store shelves. If it's Telly, unplug the set and go out for a pint. It's not funny. Not even remotely. It's groan inducing. If you like other brainless rot like Napoleon Dynamite, Mama's Boy, Or anything of that 'style' , a term which I use in the loosest conceivable terms, you may get something out of this. If you've never actually been with a Woman, then the concept of this film may actually hold some sort of allure.

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3 /10

I can't believe this was from the Farrelly Brothers.

Warning: Spoilers

There used to be certain elements one could count on in the Farrelly Brothers' films. Of course, everybody knows about their gross-out moments, but their films were also genuinely funny and also had a lot of heart, they were able to get a lot out of their stars, and use unusual locations to great effect. Best of all, they had a kind of daring to create a slapstick comedy environment and then take it into a meaningful direction (KINGPIN being my favorite example). Judd Apatow movies do this now, but I still expect the Farrellys to continue making the kind of comedies they pioneered. THE HEARTBREAK KID had given me a lot of hope that they still have the touch, but in the case of HALL PASS, my expectations are definitely not met.

HALL PASS is lacking entirely in the qualities that made the Farrellys respectable. I had no idea this was even a Farrelly Brothers movie, because it doesn't have their way about it. Even when I saw Rob Moran show up, my only thought was "Hey, that guy's usually in the Farrelly Brothers' movies".

There's nothing about it that stands out from any of the other plastic comedic efforts of the past couple of years, like COUPLES RETREAT or FOUR CHRISTMASES or whatever other rom-coms you can think of. The plot is not unusual, the settings are entirely cobbled together from product placement deals (Applebees, Dave and Busters, "All that talk about arches makes me want to eat AHEM McDonalds!") The movie has a great cast of talented actors we all know and like, but they're given nothing interesting to do or say.

The script needed a lot of help. The jokes just aren't there. The interesting settings aren't there. The heart isn't there. There are some gross out surprises, but that's it. People who didn't get the Farrellys used to focus only on their gross-out humor, but this time, those people would be right because there isn't anything else to this movie.

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1 /10

Truly dire

I've never felt so repulsed by a film (and I've seen my fair share of festering turd piles) that I've had to create a movie review profile to warn the rest of human existence about this cinematic nightmare. The title for me, being from the UK, was misleading, the premise is woeful and the characters despicable. The only thing worse is the human, no cretin, who dreamt up this schizophrenic abomination.

This movie doesn't know what it wants to be on an epic level. On one hand it's an "American Pie" type comedy, where you're laughing at how bad the situation has become for a character, and then it's attempting to be all grown up, emitting a deep emotive, heartfelt message about life, love and loss. It simply doesn't work.

I would say it was aimed at teenagers, but what teen wants to watch middle aged guys hitting on young girls? It's cringe worthy beyond the extreme. I'm sad that I've watched this film and have found a new all time worst movie ever.

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